Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm still loving the little greenies doodles (and will have many more to post soon). Here's a recent one in teal and green. I loved being able to take something crafty with me on my mini vacation to Edisto, SC with my mom. Turns out the beach is perfect for laid back creativity.

Also, here's something I'm really excited about: I turned one of my lino prints into an embroidery design. I like the way it turned out but I can't wait to frame it up in a little mini mini. More to come soon as I get crankin on some Big Crafty projects!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

sock creatures!

Lark Labs held a most excellent event with Stupid Sock Creatures author John Murphy and it was so much fun! I made this little fellow, now named zeke (thanks claire!). I have a feeling I'm going to need to make some more: there's really no wrong way to make them and they really seem to take on a life of their own. My favorite is the butt patch, made mostly because I forgot to stuff my little guy before I stitched him up.

Oh, and here's another spore creation. I wonder if I'll ever run out of little doodle sprouts to stitch?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

spore doodles and crafty news

Big crafting news this week: I got into the Big Crafty show here in Asheville in July! Which means I better get busy making some things to sell. It's always a delicate balance: making what I want to make and making what I think I can sell. But I'm hoping to keep those two categories as closely aligned as possible this time around. And I'm starting with these little diddies: framing up my embroidery doodles into little mini-mini-quilts. I call these latest guys spores...they make me happy.

In the meantime, my friend and I are leading a sewing workshop at work and we're busy making some squares for the Bushfire Quilt Project. Pics of our wonky stars headed this way soon!