Monday, July 25, 2011

sorta settled...

Wowza... what a May, June, and July! That's what moving will do - that, and prepping for a craft show. I apologize for the extended silence - life was absolutely swirling and demanded all of my attentions. I'm happy to report that we're getting settled into the new place here in West Asheville, we're loving it (!), we're enjoying the park and pool across the street, and the dogs are loving their new windows. The first space in the house to get settled was the craft room... the space used to be a part of the old front porch and it came with dark teal floors!
I love this little corner especially... it's just pretty dreamy. Still waiting to be pinched, but absolutely savoring the new space. More pics to come as the decorations go up. And as the IKEA furniture is completed - fun stuff!

Next up was the Big Crafty, Asheville's rockin craft show. I participated two years ago and remember learning all kinds of things that first time around... which I'm pretty sure I promptly forgot! It was a great show - soooo many talented folks in this area! - and I sold a handful of mushrooms and stitched things, including one little terrarium to a young gal who was there spending her allowance - love that! (But I didn't sell the green-framed birdies below - score! They're now on my wall at home!)

Okay, I do love the crazy pace of life at times, but I think (hear me, universe!) I'm ready for a little quiet-tude. I think that's when the real beauty of being in this place will start to sink in. I'm ready to get back into crafty mode too (especially since I'm behind on bird-a-month!), though a little break was nice. I keep thinking it's going to start feeling like summer someday soon... anyone else having that feeling?


  1. Those floors are fantastic! Such a nice spot to do your crafting. Hope you get a little down time soon.

  2. I need a whole crafty place just like that!

  3. OMG your craft room is to die for, the floor is amazing!!

  4. I participated two many years ago and remember studying all forms of issues that earliest time around... which I'm quite positive I promptly forgot! it absolutely was a terrific display
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