Sunday, July 5, 2009

show time!

This installment represents the last of my craft show creations. Even now, having spent most of my holiday weekend in crafty exploits, my mind is still racing with things yet to make. So sad to actually have to cut yourself off from something, but it's for the best. My hubby and my doggy miss me! As does my very hairy house! Regardless of these and other pressing "adult tasks," I'm pretty happy with the way these turned out, just in time for digs & bean's Big Crafty debut. More pics on my flickr page.

I'm really excited to move onto some different kind of projects. It's just a different way of thinking: making stuff to make stuff and making stuff to sell. I like the process though - working on lots of little quick projects - but I'm ready for something slow and involved. Maybe some experiments with image transfer? Maybe some abstract pieces shellaced onto wood? Who knows... but house cleaning first!


  1. i miss you digs. your stuff looks fantastic! may it all sell like hotcakes... hugs to you both. al

  2. I am going to be looking for you tomorrow at the big crafty...but not is a strange creepy way. I can't wait to see your little quilts in real life!
